Improve sexual wellness with O-Shot and P-Shot injectable treatments

Men and women who want to improve their sexual wellness and vitality may be curious as to what treatments are available to achieve the results they desire. If you are struggling with attaining sexual orgasm or have conditions such as an overactive bladder, you may be a candidate for an injectable treatment. Women can obtain the O-Shot, while men can ask about our P-Shot injections. Both are a reliable option for improving sexual vitality and are available with Dr. Obinna C. Oriaku and his team at Eden MedSpa of Charlotte, North Carolina.

What is the O-Shot?

The O-Shot is a revolutionary new treatment for women who experience sexual dysfunction, urinary incontinence, and other issues related to vaginal health. This non-surgical, minimally invasive procedure is distinguished by using a patient’s blood to create platelet-rich plasma (PRP). PRP is a concentration of platelets in plasma, components of blood that are crucial for healing and tissue regeneration.

How does the O-Shot work?

The O-Shot stimulates stem cells and growth factors in the injected area, rejuvenating and repairing damaged tissue. This can enhance sexual arousal and pleasure, increase vaginal sensitivity and lubrication, reduce pain during intercourse, and decrease urinary incontinence. Its goal is not only to improve sexual function and sensitivity but also to alleviate discomfort associated with urinary incontinence and other vaginal health concerns, thereby offering a path to improved well-being and quality of life for many women.

Who is a good candidate for the O-Shot?

Women of all ages who experience sexual dysfunction or urinary incontinence may be good candidates for the O-Shot injection.

What is the P-Shot?

Dr. Oriaku describes the P-shot as the male equivalent of the O-shot. This procedure involves using a patient’s blood to create PRP, which is then injected into specific areas of the penis.

How does the P-Shot work?

Like the O-Shot, the P-Shot stimulates stem cells and growth factors in the injected area, leading to improved sexual function and performance. It can also help with issues such as erectile dysfunction and Peyronie’s disease.

Who is a good candidate for the P-Shot?

Men of all ages who experience sexual dysfunction or other issues related to male sexual health may be good candidates for the P-Shot. This can include men who have not had success with traditional treatments, such as medication or surgery.

Am I a good fit for the O-Shot or P-Shot?

If you are located in the Charlotte, North Carolina, area and have questions about these injectable treatments, we invite you to book a consultation visit with Dr. Oriaku and his team at Eden MedSpa. Call (980) 272-5085 to request an appointment with our team.

Dr. Obinna C. Oriaku

Eden MedSpa

Obinna C. Oriaku MD, MBA, CPE, FACP | Connect on Linkedin

Dr. Obi Oriaku, co-founder of Eden MedSpa, is a board-certified physician in Internal Medicine, a fellow of the American College of Physicians and he is a man driven by an extraordinary story of resilience and compassion. His life’s journey is a testament to the power of determination and the impact of personal experiences on professional aspirations. After 25 years of experience as a primary care and hospital physician, Dr. Oriaku has now established Eden MedSpa where our goal is not only to make you look good but to ensure you feel good as well.

At Eden MedSpa, we provide the best and most innovative wellness and beauty treatments. Dr. Obi Oriaku and his team of experts are dedicated to guide you on a transformative journey towards better health, beauty, and overall well-being. Welcome to Eden MedSpa. We are delighted to have you with us.